I could tell by the look on Spencer's face first thing this morning that he thinks he is well enough to have visitors and he is not happy with being in isolation. Even though he cannot have visitors, even hospital personnel who enter the room have to gown up and don a mask and gloves, both for his safety and theirs. The docs don't want him exposed to any more germs and they certainly don't want him sharing his with anyone.
The cultures today showed he is cooking some nasty stuff in those lungs of his, so our stay is probably going to be longer than we expected. We were originally thinking at least a week but now I'm scared that we are in for the long haul. I'm just hoping that he will be off isolation by Sunday because how am I going to sneak his friends in to celebrate the Super Bowl?!
Our day has been pretty low key...television, walking around the room to try and keep his strength up and, of course, a competitive game of Connect Four. How can he be so sick and still beat me at that game! Ugh!
I am so missing having Cole's smiling face here to make Spencer laugh and keep him entertained. No one can do that except for his bro bro. Cole called me at 9:55 this morning (7:55 California time) and he had already showered, knew what he needed to do for school and was getting ready to go hiking. We are so proud of him for being so responsible!
I know I have said this before but once again, thank you so much for all your prayers. We know we could not do this without God and you all lifting us up every day.
"If God is for us, who can be against us?"
~Romans 8:31
Prayer and Love for Spencer and your family. Ms. Cindi