If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. ~Matthew 17:20

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It has been one of those days

This morning started off as one of "those" days.  You know the ones.  That by 10:00 a.m. you are ready for a do-over.

Yesterday, Michelle and I took the kids to play miniature golf, which is always fun.  I didn't want to lug my purse around on the course so I put my driver's license, my phone and my key fob in my pocket.  When I put my pj's on last night and cleaned out my pants pocket, I knew something was missing but couldn't figure out what.  When I got ready to leave to go hiking this morning, I realized it was my driver's license that didn't make it back in my billfold.  I dumped all the dirty clothes on the floor.  No dl.  I tore my car apart.  Nope, not there either.  I called the miniature golf office in hopes someone turned it in.  Uh huh.  Ugh.

When we went hiking, Vickey drove (since I am not legal to drive without a dl) and we hiked around Hollywood Lake and the Hollywood sign.  I have a SPIBELT (can't remember what it stands for) that I wear for working out which holds my key fob, my phone and identification.  I also stuck $20 in my belt this morning thinking that we were going to stop to get Cole some Gatorade.  Halfway through the hike I realized my $20 bill was not in my pouch.  I guess it fell out when I took my phone out to take this picture...
Cole and I double backed and looked for it with no luck.  Another sigh.

Spencer has had such a hard time with Algebra lately and today was no exception.  I am pretty sure the banging of his head on his desk could be heard several streets away.  Unfortunately, he is cursed with my ability for math which means he doesn't like it and doesn't understand it at all.

The good news is that I finally found my license.  It had fallen between my seat and the console in my car.  So much for a thorough search of my car but yeah for finding it!

I have a lot on my mind with the move on Friday and several friends needing prayers sent their way and I love how God is constantly reminding me that He cares about my lost driver's license and $20 when so many people have so many real concerns.  Aren't we blessed to serve a God who thinks all of our problems are important?  Yes we are.

"You of little faith, why did you doubt?"
~Matthew 14:31

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