A drive at 7:30 a.m. to Baptist ER is not how I pictured my weekend starting but, unfortunately, that's what happened this morning.
So, I woke up Wednesday morning with shooting pains in my lower back. They come and go and aren't constant so I thought I had slept wrong or pulled a muscle. I went to my family doctor yesterday and he could not determine the cause but made an appointment for Friday at 2:30 for an ultrasound of my abdomen. Last night, the pain intensified to the point where I was fine as long as I wasn't moving, taking deep breaths or eating or drinking anything (the sharp pains happen after I eat/drink). I can only describe the pain as akin to labor pains. Yep, that much fun.
At 6:00 a.m. this morning, I woke Brad and ask him to take me to the ER. After a CT, chest x-ray, bloodwork and another CT with contrast, they determined that I don't have cancer, blood clots or meanness. Unfortunately, they could not tell me what the pain was from. I went ahead and went to Radiology Associates for my scheduled ultrasound and the results showed nothing wrong with my gallbladder but I have fat around my liver. What?!? Please, I have fat a lot of places but around my liver! Ugh. So, no answers to my dilemma, only an offer for pain meds (no thank you) and to follow up with my doctor next week.
So, my car won't be ready until next week, I have an unknown medical condition and our trip to LA is on indefinite hold. I think instead of getting in a tizzy, I will just look at all this as another adventure. I love how God is constantly reminding me that HE is in charge.
When we got home from the hospital, Brad took the boys and left me at home for some quiet time. Thank goodness there was something good on tv....
Five hours of "Say Yes to the Dress"!!!!!!
I had to take Benadryl because I had an allergic reaction to the dye they used during the CT scan but I WILL be staying awake to watch the Hogs play tonight. Wooo Pig Sooieee!!!!!
Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll keep you posted with our adventure we call life.
"Be still and know that I am God."
~Psalm 46:10
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